PBM Resource Guide

Our PBM Resource Guide is a printable booklet that can be used to promote all the PBM resources available to download individually below. 

PBM Guidelines Companions

PBM Guidelines Companionsprovide supporting information aimed at improving knowledge and understanding of the guidelines and how they can be used to achieve better patient care and outcomes. If transfusion is clinically indicated, details of risks and benefits to support this process are also outlined in this document.

Paediatric and neonatal IDA guide

Paediatric and neonatal iron deficiency anaemia guide: has been developed to assist clinicians determine the appropriate formulation and dosage for addressing Paediatric and Neonatal Iron Deficiency Anaemia (IDA).

Iron product choice and dose calculation

Iron product choice and dose calculation guide for adultshas been developed to assist clinicians determine the appropriate formulation and dosage of iron replacement therapy for adult patients.

Fit for surgery

Fit for Surgery: Managing Iron Deficiency AnaemiaResources for general practitioners managing patients undergoing planned surgery. NPS MedicineWise and the National Blood Authority have collaborated to develop a suite of resources to assist you in helping your patients get fit for surgery.

Preoperative bleeding risk assessment

Preoperative bleeding risk assessment and intervention resourceis intended to assist healthcare professionals in assessing and managing the risk of bleeding in a preoperative patient. Assessment of bleeding risk is a key component of patient blood management strategies to minimise blood loss. Patients may be at increased risk of bleeding for a number of reasons, including hereditary or acquired bleeding disorders, medical conditions such as liver disease, and medications including complementary medicines.​

Single unit transfusion guide

Single unit transfusion guidehas been designed with the intention that they can easily be adapted to accommodate the local policies and practice of individual hospitals. They are available as generic baseline material to download, alter, and adapt as applicable to their local requirements.

Intraoperative cell salvage guidance

Guidance for the provision of intraoperative cell salvage: is intended to inform health-care practitioners, health educators, health service managers and policy makers about Intraoperative Cell Salvage use for patients undergoing surgery or invasive procedures, particularly those in which blood loss is anticipated. It is aimed at supporting hospitals to develop and implement an intraoperative cell salvage program.

Massive transfusion protocol Audit

Audit - The Massive transfusion protocol clinical audit tool and database can help you identify gaps, measure activity and provide evidence to improve practice related to Massive Haemorrhage Protocols.

Red blood cell clinical Audit 

Audit – The Red blood cell clinical audit tool and database is a standards-based audit and can help you measure current practice against best available evidence, in a continuous quality cycle. 

Case Studies

Patient Blood Management and Inventory Management Case Studies can be found here

Last updated: 20 Mar 2025

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