The fifth in a series of six evidence-based guidelines, the Obstetrics and Maternity module was approved by the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) on 22 December 2014 and released on 23 March 2015. It is based on the best available evidence published up to June 2013.

The Obstetrics and Maternity module is under review. While the review is underway, the original version remains available to guide practice.

The Obstetrics and Maternity module is intended to assist and guide health-care professionals in making clinical decisions when managing pregnant and postpartum women.

The Obstetrics and Maternity module introduces expert opinion points (EOPs), to complement the recommendations and practice points. EOPs were developed by the Clinical/Consumer Reference Group where relevant guidance, outside of the scope of the systematic review, was required. The module includes EOPs on anaemia, transfusion support, adapting or modifying a massive transfusion protocol, and care of patients in whom a transfusion is not an option.

The Obstetrics and Maternity module and accompanying resources can be accessed by clicking on the relevant links below.


This guideline is now accessible on MAGICapp(Opens in a new tab/window). The electronic version on MAGICapp provides the same content as the original PDF version below.

Summary of clinical guidance

To request hard copies of the module or quick reference guide (free within Australia and New Zealand only) please click here to place your order.

College & Society Endorsements

The National Blood Authority greatly appreciates and acknowledges the input received from the clinical community in producing the Patient Blood Management Guidelines. We are pleased to acknowledge that the following organisations have formally endorsed Module 5 - Obstetrics and Maternity.

  • Australasian College for Emergency Medicine
  • Australasian Society for Emergency Medicine
  • Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists
  • Australian and New Zealand Society of Blood Transfusion
  • Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine
  • Australian Red Cross Lifeblood
  • College of Intensive Care Medicine of Australia and New Zealand
  • Perinatal Society of Australia and New Zealand

 Review and update of the PBM Guidelines

The NBA is currently considering the review and update process across the entire suite of modules rather than each module being updated in an isolated and iterative process. The aim is to transition to a sustainable and updateable methodology that will enable updates as the evidence base and clinical practice evolves. For more information please refer to the Patient Blood Management Guidelines Progress Update webpage.

PBM updates

Keep up to date with updates on patient blood management and our guidelines by subscribing to the PBM mailing list through BloodPortal(Opens in a new tab/window).

Get in touch

We welcome feedback on this guideline to inform future reviews or the development of materials to support implementation.


Last updated: 03 Jan 2025