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Annual Performance Reporting Statement

In 2017-18 the National Blood Authority performance reporting format reflects the annual performance statement structure (Resource Management Guide No. 135 Annual Reports for non-corporate Commonwealth entities).

Accountable Authority statement

I, as the accountable authority of the National Blood Authority, present the 2017-18 Annual Performance Statements of the National Blood Authority, as required under paragraph 39(1)(a) of the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 (PGPA Act). In my opinion, these annual performance statements are based on properly maintained records, accurately reflect the performance of the entity, and comply with subsection 39(2) of the PGPA Act.

John Cahill
Chief Executive
National Blood Authority

Introductory statement

The enhanced Commonwealth performance framework1, established under the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013, requires a Commonwealth entity such as the National Blood Authority (NBA) to include an annual performance statement in its annual report.

The purpose of the annual performance statement, as a key element of the enhanced Commonwealth performance framework, is to explain the extent to which the agency has achieved its objectives in the relevant year, against the measures for assessing performance set out in both the entity's Corporate Plan and its Portfolio Budget Statements.

In accordance with paragraph 17(2)(b) of the PGPA Rule, the National Blood Authority Audit Committee has reviewed the National Blood Authority's performance reporting as part of its functions and considers the reporting appropriate.

The role of the National Blood Authority is to:

  1. provide an adequate, safe, secure and affordable supply of blood products, blood related products and blood related services
  2. promote safe, high quality management and use of blood products, blood related products and blood related services in Australia.

The National Blood Authority represents the interests of the Australian and State and Territory governments, and is established within the Australian Government's Health portfolio.

In 2017-18 the National Blood Authority aligned the performance criteria published in the National Blood Authority's Corporate Plan and Portfolio Budget Statement. The annual performance statements in this annual report are mapped to the Corporate Plan and the
Portfolio Budget Statements by way of a reference at the end of each performance criteria.

1 The enhanced Commonwealth performance framework, as relevant for the NBA, is set out in Part 2-3 of the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 and Part 2-3 of the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Rule 2013, together with the following Resource Management Guides released in July 2016: RMG N0. 130 Enhanced Commonwealth performance framework, RMG No. 131 Developing good performance information, RMG No. 132 Corporate plans for Commonwealth entities, RMG No. 134 Annual Performance Statements for Commonwealth entities , RMG No. 136 Annual reports for Commonwealth entities and RMG No.135 Annual Reports for non-corporate Commonwealth entities ( ).

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