Public information
The Information Publication Scheme (IPS) promotes open sharing of public sector information.
Section 8 of the Freedom of Information Act 1982(Opens in a new tab/window) (Cth) requires us to publish certain information.
To meet our IPS obligations, we post information here. This aligns with our IPS Agency Plan.
Governance and committees
Our key governing bodies and their roles and relationships with each other.
Our Board
An introduction to the members of our Board.
Working at the NBA
Our enterprise agreement is the framework for staff benefits and conditions.
Child Safety Framework compliance
We comply with standards for maintaining a child-safe culture and practices.
Contact us
Get in touch with our team.
National Blood Authority Charter
An overview of how our organisation operates.
Managing blood supply
National supply arrangement and clinical guidance for health professionals.
Managing immunoglobulin products
National supply arrangement and clinical guidance for health professionals.
Data and resources
Information we collect and produce to support our goals.
Annual reports
Outline of our activities and performance after each financial year.
Functions and powers
The National Blood Authority Act 2003(Opens in a new tab/window) (Cth) establishes:
- our organisation
- what we aim to do
- our functions and responsibilities.
The Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013(Opens in a new tab/window) (Cth) sets out the rules for managing:
- public money
- public property.
National Blood Agreement
A national agreement to the Australian blood sector outlining our:
- policy setting
- governance
- management.
Budget statements
The Health and Aged Care portfolio budget statements show where we allocate our resources. They are published on the Australian Government Transparency Portal(Opens in a new tab/window).
Information on all our contracts awarded with a value of $10,000 (including GST) or more is available on AusTender(Opens in a new tab/window).
See the list of contracts we must publish to meet our obligations.
Gifts and benefits
Our register of gifts and benefits given to our staff while at work.
Grants reporting
A list of grants awarded by our organisation.
Advertising campaigns
Our annual reports include certification statements on our public information and advertising projects.
Planned procurement
Search AusTender for our Annual Procurement Plan(Opens in a new tab/window).
Legal services expenditure
The amount we spent on internal and external legal services.
Consultation arrangements
Public consultation
Open and closed public consultations.
Information disclosure
Freedom of information disclosure
Our disclosure log and how to make a request under the Freedom of Information Act.
Privacy impact assessments
We have published privacy impact assessments carried out since 1 July 2018 in accordance with our privacy statement.
Our annual procurement plan and past procurements.
Public interest disclosure
Information on public interest disclosures (PIDs) and how to make a PID.
Indexed list of files
Search the list of files we must publish.
Last updated: 27 Mar 2024